The author of the site in the most colorful courtyard of Lviv

           LiveJournal: olena_krush

Olena Krushynska

I live in Kyiv, my native and favourite city. In 2000 I graduated from Kyiv Taras Shevchenko University, then took a post graduate course. In 2005 I defended a Ph.D. thesis in analytical chemistry entitled "Copper and iron chelates adsorbed on silica as solid-phase redox reagents for the determination of the organic reductants". I worked as a researcher in the scientific group of Prof. O. A. Zaporozhets' till I left the university in 2010 and became a freelancer to be able to fully concentrate on my own projects concerning monuments of Ukrainian architecture and their preservation.
Since 2005 I’m developing my project "Wooden churches of Ukraine". In the competition realized by the Ministry of Youth and Family Affairs I won the President's of Ukraine grant for talented youth for my project support during 2006. The main results of this project are the website "Wooden churches of Ukraine" that is the first website dedicated to Ukrainian wooden architecture and the guidebook "The forty four wooden churches of Lviv region" published by the Grani-T Publishers in 2007. Now I`m going on with this project, including expeditions, developing the website, publications of my articles and interviews. I collaborate with colleagues from the EU; I am a member of the Wooden Churches and Belfries Study Society (Společnost pro výzkum dřevěných kostelu a zvonic) since March 2010. At present, I'm working on a new book. Recently I became a public partner in the sponsor project of the restoration of a monument of wooden architecture.
Since 2005, I contribute to "Mizhnarodny turyzm" ("International tourism"), "Welcome to Ukraine" magazines, "Gazeta po-kijevski" and some other editions as a journalist and photographer.
Since 2008, I'm a deputy chief of the Czech-Ukrainian project "Tourist stamps - Ukraine".
Since 2009, I cooperate with the "Mills of Ukraine" project, and I'm a member of the International Molinological Society (TIMS)



The forty four wooden churches of Lviv region
a guide-book

Kyiv, "Grani-T", 2007

more detailes

The two banks of
the Zbruch river

a guide-book

Kyiv, "Grani-T", 2008

more detailes

Шаги по мостовой, или Ведомые городом
"Мир туризма", №8, ноябрь 2006, с.86-97
Когда площадь Рынок заблестит в последних лучах солнца, туристы вернутся в свои автобусы, а в кофейнях приступят к обсуждению событий дня - пора отправляться на поиски Скрытого...

Autumn in Lviv
"Welcome to Ukraine", №3-4(49)`09, p.74-75
It takes a city like Lviv, with its very special genius loci, to turn a gloomy autumnal day into a symphony of subdued colors...

PHOTOS were published in the following books and albums:

Dřevěné kostely a zvonice v Evropě (Praha, Paseka, 2009)
Городецький. Виклик будівничого (К., 2008)
Україна-Польща: спадщина століть (К., 2007)
Дивовижна Україна (Харків, 2008)
Чарівна Україна (Харків, 2008)
20 лучших экскурсий по Украине (Харків, 2007)
Три шляхи Закарпаттям (К., 2008)
та інш.


Wooden churches in the land of Zakarpattya. Part 8
"Welcome to Ukraine", №2(51)`10, p.70-75

Альпійське рондо
"Mizhnarodny turyzm", №5(95)`10, p.54-61

Після дощика в Провансі (pdf, 3.7 Mb)
"Mizhnarodny turyzm", №4(94)`10, p.94-95

Французька булочка з віденською родзинкою. Церква-смерека. Дот у скелях (серія "Дивні пам'ятки України")
"Mizhnarodny turyzm", №4(94)`10, p.120-121
Спека в Парижі (pdf, 8.6 Mb)
"Mizhnarodny turyzm", №3(93)`10, p.100-103

A new turn of the millwheel (pdf, 5.7 Mb)
"Mizhnarodny turyzm", №2(92)`10, p.138-141
New life for old mills (pdf, 7,6 Mb)
"Welcome to Ukraine", №1(50)`10, p.80-83

Closer to God (pdf, 10.5 Mb)
"Welcome to Ukraine", №1(50)`10, p.84-87
"Mizhnarodny turyzm", №5(95)`10, p.140-143

Wooden churches of Hutsulshchyna. Part 7 (pdf, 10,1 Mb)
"Welcome to Ukraine", №1(50)`10, p.32-39

Будиночки для світла (pdf, 7.9 Mb)
"Mizhnarodny turyzm", №1(91)`10, p.122-125

Павло-за-мурами. Ангелівська піч. Кам'яний Онуфрій. ("Wonders of Ukraine" series)
"Mizhnarodny turyzm", №1(91)`10, p.114-115

The universal importance arc. The furnace in the rocks. The church in the space-suit ("Wonders of Ukraine" series)
"Mizhnarodny turyzm", №6(90)`09, p.120-121

Autumn in Lviv (pdf, 2.5 Mb)
"Welcome to Ukraine", №3-4(49)`09, p.74-75

Canyons of Podillya (pdf, 10.7 Mb)
"Welcome to Ukraine", №3-4(49)`09, p.68-72

The town of Babel in Zakarpattya
"Welcome to Ukraine", №3-4(49)`09, p.20-27

Wooden churches in the land of Zakarpattya. Part 6 (pdf, 1.7 Mb)
"Welcome to Ukraine", №3-4(49)`09, p.40-45

Echoes from the Past (pdf, 9.8 Mb)
"Mizhnarodny turyzm", №5(89)`09, p.124-128
"Welcome to Ukraine", №3-4(49)`09, p.60-64

Wooden churches in the land of Zakarpattya. Part 5 (pdf, 1.8 Mb)
"Welcome to Ukraine", №2(48)`09, p.56-61

Wooden churches in the land of Zakarpattya. Part 4 (pdf, 5.1 Mb)
"Welcome to Ukraine", №1(47)`09, p.56-61

Architectural functionalism. Ruins of former splendor. A historical Collonade ("Wonders of Ukraine" series)
"Mizhnarodny turyzm", №4(88)`09, р.120-121

"Welcome to Ukraine", №3-4(49)`09, p.66-67

Eagle above the castle. Legends from Dobromil
"Zabytki / Heritage", July 2008, p. 52-58

The monuments of Kyiv - closer to a human
"Zabytki / Heritage", July 2008, p. 24-27

Travelling and hunting for trophies (pdf, 0.7 Mb)
"Mizhnarodny turyzm", №2 (86)`09, p.118-120

Life after death. A giant of a school. A church as a target at the firing range ("Wonders of Ukraine" series)
"Mizhnarodny turyzm", №2 (86)`09, р.134-135
"Welcome to Ukraine", №1(47)`09, p.68-69

"Gazeta po-kievski", 16 December 2008, "Travels", p.14-15

Wooden churches of Lviv region. Part 3 (pdf, 2,3 Mb)
"Welcome to Ukraine", №4(46)`08, p.30-35

Madonna on the minaret. A non-Turkish Turkish bridge. A "bath" for the enemies. ("Wonders of Ukraine" series)
"Mizhnarodny turyzm", №6(84)`08, з.106-107

Wooden churches of Lviv region. Part 2 (pdf, 2,4 Mb)
"Welcome to Ukraine", №3(45)`08, p.32-37

All the gold of the canyons
"Gazeta po-kievski", 21 October 2008, "Travels", p.4-5

Non-standard Zakarpattya
"Gazeta po-kievski", 9 September 2008, "Travels", p.4-5

Where is my sunrise, or The pilgrimage to the Moses mountain
"Mizhnarodny turyzm", №5(83)`08, p.112-118

The lost world of Polissya (pdf, 5.8 Mb)
"Mizhnarodny turyzm", №5(83)`08, p.150-154
"Welcome to Ukraine", №3(45)`08, p.74-78

Modern and traditional. Drunken Church. Steel tower - but not Eiffel ("Wonders of Ukraine" series)
"Mizhnarodny turyzm", №5(83)`08, p.134-135
"Welcome to Ukraine", №2(48)`09, p.68-69

Wooden churches of Lviv region. Part 1
"Welcome to Ukraine", №2(44)`08, p.84-89

A palace and a park to be nostalgic in (pdf, 2.2 Mb)
"Mizhnarodny turyzm", №4(82)`08, p.130-135
"Welcome to Ukraine", №2(44)`08, p.80-82

An odd castle. The church shaped like coat of arms. Fortifications ("Wonders of Ukraine" series
"Mizhnarodny turyzm", №2(80)`08, p.138-139
"Welcome to Ukraine", №4(46)`08, p.76-77

Spearheads in a church. French gothic cathedral. Christ in Satan town ("Wonders of Ukraine" series)
"Mizhnarodny turyzm", №1(79)`08, p.118-119
"Welcome to Ukraine", №2(44)`08, p.94-95

Travel from the churches to the mountain pass
"Mizhnarodny turyzm", №1(79)`08, p.112-116

Grandma, have you ever been a little child? (pdf, 9.8 Mb)
"Welcome to Ukraine", №1(43)`08, p.126-131

Sharm-el-Sheikh. A lot of sun in the warm water
"Mizhnarodny turyzm", №6(78)`07, p.68-72

Church with "minarets". Village hospital designed by famous architect from Kyiv. A pyramid in a village ("Wonders of Ukraine" series)
"Mizhnarodny turyzm", №6(78)`07, p.110-111
"Welcome to Ukraine", №1(43)`08, p.96-97

Postcards from Europe (pdf, 2.2 Mb)
"Mizhnarodny turyzm", №4(76)`07, p.94-100

Ukrainian Stonehenge. Centaur church. "My death, your life" ("Wonders of Ukraine" series)
"Mizhnarodny turyzm", №4(76)`07, p.120-121

For these churches we have to thank adventurers and gentry
"Gazeta po-kievski", №100(898), 8 May 2007, "Travels", p.4-5

In quest of natural and architectural landmarks (pdf, 1.8 Mb)
"Mizhnarodny turyzm", №2(74)`07, p.122-125
"Welcome to Ukraine", №2(48)`09, p.62-66

A sculptor's chapel. Knight church. An ancient furnace ("Wonders of Ukraine" series)
"Mizhnarodny turyzm", №2(74)`07, p.126-127

Ghosts, lions and sirens (pdf, 5.3 Mb)
"Mizhnarodny turyzm", №1(73)`07, p.100-103
"Welcome to Ukraine", №2(37)`06, p.44-48

A hill that used to be a fortress. A church in a brick casing. Enigmatic columns. ("Wonders of Ukraine" series)
"Mizhnarodny turyzm", №1(73)`07, p.88-89
"Welcome to Ukraine", №2(40)`07, p.82-83

Steps along the pavement, or Guided by the city
"Mir turizma", №8, November 2006, p.86-97

White elephant on the Black Mountain. Unfinished giant bridge. Arian tower in Tykhoml`. ("Wonders of Ukraine" series)
"Mizhnarodny turyzm", №6(72)`06, p.96-97

A White Elephant on a Mount Black in the Carpathians. A giant bridge in the land of Khmelnychchyna. A three hundred-year old stove from Mezhyrich ("Wonders of Ukraine" series)
"Welcome to Ukraine", №3(41)`07, p.78-79

Austria. Skies&terms
"Mizhnarodny turyzm", №6(72)`06, p.40-43

Herburts` damnation
"Gazeta po-kievski", №242(742), 26 October 2006, p.16-17

Phylosophy of the autotravels. Part 2. How we do this?
"Mizhnarodny turyzm", №5(71)`06, p.84-86

In the power of the Stone. Yury`s church in Oster. A sun-dial in Kiev (("Wonders of Ukraine" series))
"Mizhnarodny turyzm", №5(71)`06, p.94-95

Where Dnister river is knee-deep
"Gazeta po-kievski", №184 (684), 17 August 2006, p.12

To the town of Khust, where Gothic is realized in wood
"Gazeta po-kievski", №150(650), 8 July 2006, p.18-19

Luxurious Tulchin and romantic Pechera
"Gazeta po-kievski", №128(628), 10 June 2006, p.14-15

Eternal light (світлотеатр "Luxaeterna") (pdf, 4.7 Mb)
"Welcome to Ukraine", №2(37)`06, p.126-128

A castle-like church. A rock-cut church. Dracula could have lived there ("Wonders of Ukraine" series)
"Mizhnarodny turyzm", №4(70)`06, с.126-127
"Welcome to Ukraine", №2(37)`06, p.98-99

Bronze without pathos
"Mizhnarodny turyzm", №3(69)`06, p.92-93

Along the railing of time
"Mizhnarodny turyzm", №3(69)`06, p.108-109

An autotravel in Pridnistrovia
"Gazeta po-kievski", №100(600), 6 May 2006, p.14-15

Phylosophy of the autotravels. Part 1. Why we do this?
"Mizhnarodny turyzm", №2(68)`06, p.116-119

Evidence of an ancient Slavic state? Pyramids in Ukrainian villages. A peculiar monument ("Wonders of Ukraine" series)
"Mizhnarodny turyzm", №2(68)`06, с.110-111
"Welcome to Ukraine", №1(36)`06, p.118-119

To St. Valentine in the town of Sambir (pdf, 0.6 Mb)
"Mizhnarodny turyzm", №1(67)`06, p.84-86
The Saint of love in Ukraine (pdf, 1.2 Mb)
"Welcome to Ukraine", №4(46)`08, p.82-85

Love stories and geography (pdf, 0.5 Mb)
"Mizhnarodny turyzm", №1(67)`06, p.88-89

Kozelets’. Life as a wonder(pdf, 1.3 Mb)
"Mizhnarodny turyzm", №6(66)`05, p.92-96
Architectural wonders and a choir boy (pdf, 3.8 Mb)
"Welcome to Ukraine", №1(47)`09, p.34-38

Secrets of Chernihiv (pdf, 0.5 Mb)
"Mizhnarodny turyzm", №6(66)`05, p.90-91

Caves in the land of Ternopilshchyna and their wonders (pdf, 5.2 Mb)
"Mizhnarodny turyzm", №5(65)`05, с.96-101
"Welcome to Ukraine", №4(35)`05, p.60-63

Korets’ as a model of the forgotten historical town

"Dzerkalo Tyzhnia", №17(492)`04

I’m convinced that everybody has to make his unique life exciting…

The "Girl’s tears" waterfall near the village of Monastyrok near Dnister river
Chenanceau castles in Loire valley
In the village of Kobylets’ka Polyana near Rakhiv (Transcarpathia)
At the ethnofestival, 2008"
Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt
Krzivoklat castle, Czech Republic, 2008
Chornohora. Rocks on Smotrych Mountain
The Gerburts’ castle in Dobromyl’, Lviv region
Adriatic sea, Croatia
A cave entrance near the village of Odaiv at the Dnister river
Monserrat monastery near Barcelone
Milano temple. On the roof
Tyrol hat in Tyrol
A waterfall in Plitvice, Croatia
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