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| Websites dedicated to Lviv:
"Leo Photo"
- seems to be the biggest photogallery of Lviv… the main
point is that its authors are in love with the city!
Photoblog "Lviv"
- community of the native city. Lviv as we see it every day. Lviv streets and landscapes in photos.
"Old Lviv photos"
- a collection of archive photo of Lviv hystoric museum
Inner Lviv -
hidden streets and courtyards for the real connoisseurs of the city
Inscriptiones latinae Leopoli -
- translations of the Latin inscriptions of the old houses in Lviv
Photogallery by Andrij Moravsky -
new and old Lviv
Alfred Kamienobrodzki
- a Polish website with wonderful paintings in water-colour by Alfred Kamienobrodzki (1844-1922),
Lviv architect and artist
Lviv. Plan of the city
- all streets of Lviv. A tourist-guide of Lviv.
Mój Lwów
- a historical nostalgic website in Polish
Lwów - moje ukochane miasto
- a Polish website "Lviv - my beloved city"
"Virtual Lviv"
- high-quality 3D photopanoramas of city buildings and their interiors.
3D image is beeing generated at the monitor surrounding you with a 3600 sphere
which you can move and turn.
Lviv Today
- the website of the West Ukraine’s monthly English-language lifestyle magazine
| | - website of "Dzyga", an artists’ union